Display Legacy Contents

VisibleSet the Form visible or invisible
You can set this property in runtime via the “Set Property” Action.

First FormSet the Form as the first one to be open
The First Form is the only one that can contain the “System Tray Click” Event. The other Forms will have the Event disabled.

NameName of the Form
This Name will be used to identify the Form throughout the Project. The name of the Form should only contain letters, digits or underscore (_).

TitleTitle of the Form
This Title will be displayed at the title bar of the Form. If you click on at the side of this property, you’ll be able to see the several values of it in each Language of the Project.

DescriptionDescription of the Form
This Description is for your information only, Kalipso does nothing with it. If you click on at the side of this property, you’ll be able to see the several values of it in each Language of the Project.

Layout – Display mode of the size of the Form
- Maximized: The Form will be maximized. A title bar will be displayed. If you deploy your Project to a Terminal with different screen size, the Form will assume the new dimensions and will be maximized.
- Custom: To define a custom size. The dimensions cannot exceed the ones of the terminal screen.
- Full Screen: The Form will use the entire space available in the screen. If you deploy your Project to a Terminal with different screen size, the Form will assume the new dimensions.

WidthWidth of the Form
Only editable if “Size” property is set to “Custom” or “Maximized”/”Full Screen” and “Horizontal Scroll”. You can set this value is runtime via the “Set Property” Action. You can retrieve this value in runtime via the “Get Property” Action. If you click on at the side of this property, you’ll be able to see the values of it in Portrait and Landscape (see the Project Properties).

HeightHeight of the Form
Only editable if “Size” property is set to “Custom” or “Maximized”/”Full Screen” and “Vertical Scroll”. You can set this value is runtime via the “Set Property” Action. You can retrieve this value in runtime via the “Get Property” Action. If you click on at the side of this property, you’ll be able to see the values of it in Portrait and Landscape (see the Project Properties).

PositionPosition mode of the Form
- Centered in Screen: The Form will be centered in the screen. No effect if the Form is “Maximized” or “Full Screen”.
- Custom: To define a custom position. No effect if the Form is “Maximized” or “Full Screen”.

From LeftX position of the Form.
Only editable if the “Position” property is set to ‘Custom’. You can set this value is runtime via the “Set Property” Action. You can retrieve this value in runtime via the “Get Property” Action. If you click on at the side of this property, you’ll be able to see the values of it in Portrait and Landscape (see the Project Properties).

From TopY position of the Form.
Only editable if the “Position” property is set to ‘Custom’. You can set this value is runtime via the “Set Property” Action. You can retrieve this value in runtime via the “Get Property” Action. If you click on at the side of this property, you’ll be able to see the values of it in Portrait and Landscape (see the Project Properties).

You can set this value is runtime via the “Set Property” Action.

Keyboard  – Controls the visibility of the keyboard. it can be one of:
  • Inherit From Project
  • Uses the setting defined in the Project Properties.

  • Prevent Automatic Display

  • Display Automatically

Navigation Bar  – Controls the visibility of the Navigation Bar. it can be one of:
  • Inherit From Project
  • Uses the setting defined in the Project Properties.

  • Hide

  • Display

Backg. ColorBackground color of the Form
You can set this value is runtime via the “Set Property” Action.

File NameBackground image of the Form
You can define a background image for the Form. This image will be visible in all the Planes.

File PathPath in the PDA of the background image (“File Name” property)
If you don’t want Kalipso to automatically manage your Project Images, you can indicate here where Kalipso should retrieve them in the PDA. Note that this property is for runtime only.

Image ModeMode of the background image (“File Name” property)
- 100%: The image will be displayed at 100% in the position defined by the “X” and “Y” properties.
- Stretched: The image will be stretched (increased or decreased) in order to totally cover the Form.
- Proportionally Stretched: The image will be proportionally (keeping its ratio) stretched (increased or decreased) until it fits totally in the Form.
- Centered: The image will be centered in the Form. No resizing done.

XX position of background image (“File Name” property)
Only editable if “Image Mode” is set to ‘100%’.

YY position of background image (“File Name” property)
Only editable if “Image Mode” is set to ‘100%’.

See also
Updated: 4/27/2018 11:42 AM