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    Group Files    
Subgroup Action Description
Text Files
File Open Opens a specified text file.
Text Files
File Read
Read data from a specified text file. 
Text Files File Write
Write data into on specified text file.
Text Files  File Close  Close specified text file. 
Text Files  File Load Content  Loads the content of a file. 
Text Files  File Save Content Saves the content of a file. 
Text Files
File Import to Table
Import a text file to a local table.
Text Files
File Export from Table
Export a local table to a text file.
Text Files
Encrypt Encrypt a string or file based on a specified key.
Text Files
Decrypt Decrypt a string or file based on a specified key.
Text Files
Calculates Checksum based on CR32 or MD5.
INI Files
INI Write
Write a record on a INI file.
INI Files
INI Read
Read a record from a INI file.
ZIP Files
ZIP Add File
Add files to a ZIP file.
ZIP Files
ZIP Extract File
Extract file from a specified ZIP file.
ZIP Files
ZIP List Files
List file names from a specified ZIP file.
File/Folder Delete
Deletes a specified file or folder on terminal.
File/Folder Move
Moves a specified file or folder on terminal.
File/Folder Copy
Copies a specified file or folder on terminal.
File Exists
Check if a specified file exist or not on terminal.
List Files
List the content of a specified folder on terminal.
Create Dir
Create a folder on terminal.
Rotate Image
Rotate a specified image. 
Get Image Dimensions
Gets the image dimensions.
Convert Image
Convert specified image in a specified format.
Resize Image
Resize specified image.

See also
Updated: 11/5/2014 5:21 PM