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    Group Communications   
Subgroup Action Description
Synchronization Synchronize Synchronize the records of local database with the remote database. With this action is also possible send /receive files and update new project versions.
Synchronization Update Project Updates the current project from a KZP file exported from the Designer.
Set Synchro.Parameter
Set synchronization profile parameter.
Synchronization Get Synchro.Parameter
Get the value of a communication profile parameter.
Set Synchro.Text
Modify the default labels of synchronization action.
Synchronization  Set Synchronization File Copy  Sets a file copy to the synchronization parameters.
Activate Connection
Activate GPRS/3G connection.
Is Connection Active
Get the status of a specified GPRS/3G connection.
Deactivate Connection Turns off the specified GPRS/3G connection.
Serial Port
Serial Open Open a Serial port.
Serial Port
Serial Write
Writes data to specified serial port.
Serial Port
Serial Read
Reads data from specified serial port.
Serial Port
Serial Flush
Clears the buffer of specified serial port.
Serial Port
Serial Close
Close specified serial port.
Socket Accept
Accepts a socket connection on a specified port.
Socket Connect
Connect to a specified IP and port.
Socket Write
Writes data to a specified socket.
Socket Read
Reads data in a specified socket.
Socket Close
Closes the specified socket.
Ping a specified IP Adress.
Activate Monitor
Activates monitor of traffic on network card to get the specified data.
Deactivate Monitor
Deactivates the monitor.
Web Services
Web Service Run
Executes the specified Web Service.
Web Services
XML Get Child Elem. List
Gets the specified child element from a specified XML structure.
Web Services
XML Get Child Elem. List
Gets the specified child element from a specified XML structure.
Web Services
XML Get Elem.Attributes
Gets the attrribute of child element in a XML file.
Web Services
XML Get Element Content
Gets the content of child element in a XML file.
Web Services
XML Get Elem. Attr. List
Gets the attribute list of a specified XML element.
Web Services
XML Get Element’s Name
Gets the name of a specified XML element.
Web Services
XML Get Root Element
Gets the specified root element from a specified XML structure.
Web Services
XML Get Root Element List
Gets the specified child element from a specified XML structure.
Web Services  XML Import to Table Imports from text or a XML file to a Database Table.
Web Services
XML Export from Table Exports from a Database Table to text or a XML file. 
Web Services
HTTP Request
Executes a HTTP Request to a HTTP Server.
FTP Connect
Connect to a FTP Server.
FTP Set Current Dir
Sets the current directory on a FTP Server.
FTP Get File
Get a file from FTP Server.
FTP Put File
Puts a file on FTP Server.
FTP File Exists
Check if a specified file exists or not in a FTP Server.
FTP Disconnect
Disconnect from the current FTP Server.
FTP Create Dir
Create a folder at FTP Server.
FTP Delete File/Folder
Deletes a specified folder or file in a FTP Server.
FTP Rename File
Rename a specified file at a FTP Server.
FTP List Files
Gets a list of files in a FTP Server.
MIS Communic.
List Files from PC
Gets a list of files in a specified location through MIS Communicator.
MIS Communic.
Send Files to PC
Sends a specified file from terminal to your server through MIS Communicator.
MIS Communic.
Get File from PC
Gets a specified file to terminal from server through MIS Communicator.
MIS Communic.
Run Process on PC
Executes an application on PC through MIS Communicator.
MIS Communic.
Is Process Running on Checks if a specified application is running on PC through MIS Communicator.
MIS Communic.
Kill Process on PC
Stop execution of a specified application on server through MIS Communicator.
MIS Communic.
Activate MIS Remote Cont.
Activates MIS Remote Controller through MIS Communicator.
MIS Communic.
Stop MIS Remote Stop MIS Remote Controller through MIS Communicator.
MIS Communic.
Ping MIS Communicator
Ping MIS Communicator.
MIS Communic.
Get MIS Comm. Server Info
Gets the information about the PC where MIS Communicator is running.
MIS Communic. Shell Execute On PC This action executes remotely a shell on PC to open, edit, find or print a file on PC.
MIS Communic. Hardlock List Keys This action reads the keys of Kalipso Software.
MIS Communic. Hardlock Read This action lists the keys of Kalipso Software.
MIS Communic. Hardlock Write This action wirtes the keys of Kalipso Software.
MIS Communic. Harlock Check License This action checks if there is a valid Kalipso License.
Make Phone Call
Make a phone call to the specified number.
SMS Send Message
Send an SMS message to the specified number.
Get Cell Tower Info
Retrieve information about the GSM tower where the PDA is connected to.
Push Notification
Push Notification Get Client ID Retrieves the ID for this application in the current device to be used for push notifications.
Push Notification Push Notification Get Message Retrieves the content of a push notification message received.
Push Notification Push Notification Get Lost Message ID List Retrieves the number of push notification messages and the corresponding IDs that where received while your application was not active and that are currently stored locally on the device.
Push Notification Push Notification Get Lost Message Retrieves the content of a push notification message that was received while your application was not active.
Push Notification Push Notification Delete Lost Message Deletes push notification messages currently stored locally on the device.
Bluetooth Bluetooth Start Device Discovery Starts the discovery of Bluetooth devices.
Bluetooth Bluetooth Stop Device Discovery Stop the discovery of Bluetooth devices.
Bluetooth Bluetooth Pair Device Pairs with a Bluetooth device.
Bluetooth Bluetooth Is Device Paired Checks the pairing state of a Bluetooth device.

See also
Updated: 6/21/2016 6:16 PM