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    Push Notification Get Message    
Retrieves the content of a push notification message.
This can only be called inside the "Push Notification Received" event of the form, and is used to retrieve the content of the message that was just received, while your application is being executed.


Target From string
The control or variable where to save the sender of this message.

Display Notification
Specifies if wheter the notification should be displayed by the Operating System to the user.

it can be one of:

  • 1 - Yes
  • Displays the notification

  • 2 - No
  • Doesn't display the notification

    Target Notification Type string
    The control or variable where to save the type of notification message received. For more information on this check MSDN documentation on push notifications.

    it can be one of:

    • 0 - Toast
    • 1 - Tile
    • 2 - Badge
    • 3 - Raw
    • 4 - TileFlyout

    Target Notification Content string
    The control or variable where to save the sender of this message.

Android notification messages have a name/value pairs list. You can retrieve the items you need from that list by adding items to the list bellow.
    Name string
    The control or variable where to save the sender of this message.

    The type of value that is in this property.

    It can be one of:

    • 1 - Int
    • 2 - Long
    • 3 - Short
    • 4 - Boolean
    • 5 - Float
    • 6 - Double
    • 10 - Bundle
    • 101 - String
    • 102 - CharSequence
    • 103 - Char
    • 104 - Byte

    Target string
    The control or variable where to save the sender of this message.

  • The format of the push notifications are platform dependent, and that is why there are separate options to handle the message for Android and Windows 10.
  • The content of the message itself and the list/type of values sent in the case of Android, are defined by the sender of the message, so if you need to manually handle the content of the messages, you need to know how the server/backoffice system is sending these messages.
  • This can only be used to handle messages received while your application is running. If a message is received and your application is not running, the O.S. will make the appropriate display of the message, and if you enabled the "Save messages when application is not active" option in your project properties, it will be saved locally on the device. You can use "Push Notification ... Lost ..." actions to retrieve the messages that where received while your application was not active.

See also

Updated : 11/28/2017 4:44 PM