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    SQL Advanced    
Runs the specified query in the specified database. This Action allows you to run online queries without having to add Tables to a Database Connection Profile.


Execution mode

  The query will be executed in the specified Database.

Database Connection Profile
    Database Connection Profile where the query will be executed. It's not mandatory to have tables defined in the profile to be able to run this Action.
  Offline     The query will be executed in the Local Database which holds all the offline Tables.
Clear Target When No Data is Returned
    If this option is checked and no record is returned, all the Targets are cleared.
 SQL Sentence <string>
    SQL query to perform.
  Column <unquoted string>
    Name of the column to retrieve. This parameter is merely informative and has no impact whatsoever. What matters is the index of the Column. Therefore, this refers to the first returned Column.
  Target <target>
    Control or Variable where to save the value of the first Column.
  nth Column <unquoted string>
    Name of the column to retrieve. This parameter is merely informative and has no impact whatsoever. What matters is the index of the Column. Therefore, this refers to the nth returned Column.
  nth Target <target>
    Control or Variable where to save the value of the nth Column.


Consider the following Database Table, and the following Variables:

Code Name Stock
1 Coca Cola 100
2 Pepsi Cola 400
3 Pork Chops 300

Variable Type Value
VAR(0) String kalipso
VAR(1) Numeric 0
VAR(2) String kalipso1

Consider that column Code is Numeric, column Name is String and column Stock is Numeric.
Note that the table showing variables isn't a database table, its purpose is to show only the values and type of each variable.
Example 1

Example 2
Execution mode Offline
Clear Target Data Yes
SQL Sentence  "Select Name from Products"
Clear Data Yes
 Column Target 
Code VAR(0)
Name VAR(1) 
Stock VAR(2)


Variable Type Value
VAR(0) Numeric 1
VAR(1) String  Coca Cola 
VAR(2) Numeric  100

Execution mode Offline
Clear Target Data No
SQL Sentence "Select Name from Products Where Products.Code=4"
Clear Data Yes
Column Target
Code VAR(0)
Name VAR(1)
Stock VAR(2)


Variable Type Value
VAR(0) String Kalipso
VAR(1) Numeric 0
VAR(2) String Kalipso1

Notice that, as you can see in the examples above, variable types are enforced, except if there is no result of the select operation or when parameter Clear Data isn't selected.


See also

Updated: 4/8/2016 9:22 AM