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    Set Blinking    
Blinks a control or form between two specified colors during an amount of time.


Object: user can define a blinking action on a form or on a control.

Control <unquoted string>: the control where the blinking action is taken.

Form <unquoted string>: the from where the blinking action is taken.

State <unquoted string>: the state of the control or form. If the value of this option is Off, user can't set colors to blink, otherwise user could define the colors to blink.
Color 1

Fixed Color: Defines a fixed color from the pallet of colors pre-defined.


Dynamic Color <string>: User can define a value of a color in RGB. The values for this parameter vary from "000000000" to "255255255".

Color 2

Fixed Color: Defines a fixed color from the pallet of colors pre-defined.


Dynamic Color <string>: User can define a value of a color in RGB. The values for this parameter vary from "000000000" to "255255255".

Frequency (ms) <numeric>

The frequency, in miliseconds, of the blinking between Color 1 and Color 2.
Nbr. Of Blinks <numeric>

The number of blinkings taken. The value 0 in this parameters sets the blinking action unlimited.


    See also

    Updated: 4/8/2016 5:21 PM