    Draw Bar Code    
Draw a bar code on a file or on a draw control. This action also allows user to know the width of a specified bar code.


Data <string>

Data to be associated to the bar code.
Bar Code Type <unquoted string>

The type of the bar code. There are several bar code types possible: COD128, CODE39, CODE93, I2OF5, RATIONALCODABAR, PDF417, Data Matrix, QR Code, EAN13 or dynamic.
Narrow Bar width <numeric>

The width of the narrow bar of the bar code specified.
Ratio <numeric>

The ratio of the bar code specified.
Mode <unquoted string>

The mode to draw the bar code. There are three possible options for this parameter: Get Width, Draw to 'Draw' Control or Draw to File.

Get Width

Target Width: control or variable to save the width of specified control.

Draw to 'Draw' Control

Target Width: control or variable to save the width of specified control.

Draw Control: the control where the draw is done.

X: the X coordinate where the draw of bar code begins.

Y: the Y coordinate where the draw of bar code begins.

Height: the Height of the bar code to be drawed.

Draw to File

Target Width: control or variable to save the width of specified control.

X: the X coordinate where the draw of bar code begins.

Y: the Y coordinate where the draw of bar code begins.

Height: the Height of the bar code to be drawed.

File: the complete path and name to the file.

Format: the type of format of the saved file.

Width: the width of the file.

Height: the height of the file.

  • The parameter ratio are unavailable to modify in certain bar code types.
  • Set Width and Height in Draw to File to 0, for automatic management.
  • There are several formats available (to parameter Format): Auto, JPG (.jpeg), BMP (.bmp), GIF (.gif) or PCX (.pcx).

See also

Updated: 4/8/2016 10:39 AM