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    Get Task List    
 Gets a Outlook Task's ID List for a specified Pocket Outlook.



Mode <radiobox>: Selects the mode of filter creation. The options available are:

  • Manual - to manually describe a filter.
  • All (AND) - to describe one or more filters with assistance, where the result must match all the Filters.
  • Any (OR) - to describe one or more filters with assistance, where the result must match at least one of the Filters.



Filter <string>: a string that represents the filter to use (Example: "[CompanyName] =" + Charact(34) + "SysDev" + Charact(34)).



Sort Property <string>: the sort property that was used to sort the result of this action. Please see in notes section the possible values for this parameter.


Sort Order <unquoted string>: the sort order of the result of this action. The possible values are: Asc, Desc or dynamic.



Task's OIDs List <unquoted string>: the control or variable that saves the Outlook Task's IDs list for the given contact.


Number of Task's OIDs <unquoted string>: the control or variable that saves the number of Outlook Task's IDs for the given contact.


Items Separator <string>: the string that separates the items in the returned list.

  • The possible values to parameter Property for the Outlook contacts are:
    • Body
    • Complete
    • Categories
    • DateCompleted
    • DueDate
    • Importance
    • IsRecurring
    • ReminderOptions
    • ReminderSet
    • ReminderSoundFile
    • ReminderTime
    • Sensivity
    • StartDate
    • Subject
  • The possible values for parameter Operator are:
    • "<" - lower than.
    • "<=" - lower than or equal to.
    • ">" - higher than.
    • ">=" - higher than or equal to.
    • "=" - equal to.
    • "<>" - different from.

See also

Updated: 4/8/2016 2:16 PM