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    Local Variables    
A Variable is a memory zone where you can store and retrieve information. For each Form, you have 100 Variables where to store information in. The content of a Local Variable is available only on the Form where it belongs. This means that Local Variable 0 in Form “frm_Main” can have a different content than Local Variable 0 in Form “frm_Products”. You can change the content of a Local Variable through Action “Set Var”. In Expressions, Local Variables are identified as LVAR(<Name>).

For your own organization, you can name the Local Variables. Select the Local Variable that you want to rename on the Table and press the button to edit its properties.

Variable – Local Variable Identifier
You cannot change this value.

Name – Local Variable Name
Name that you want to give to the Local Variable. The name of the Local Variable should only contain letters, digits or underscore (_). This is the Name that will identify the Local Variable throughout the Project.

Description – Local Variable Description
Description that you want to give to the Local Variable. This property is for your information only.

See also
Updated: 10/31/2014 12:06 PM