Encrypt Asymmetric will use a Public Key to encrypt the data that can only be decrypted with the corresponding Private Key.
Data Type<numeric>
Select a File or Text to be Encrypted
1- Text UTF-16 LE
2- Text ANSI/Binary
3- Text UTF-8
Select a Text, Variable or control to be Encrypted
Select a Variable or Control
Result Encoding<numeric>
1- None (Binary)
2- Base 64
Select the algorithm to be used:
1- RSA PKCS1 Padding
2- RSA OAEP Padding
Fill with a String, Control or Variable.
PublicKey must be provided in X509Encoded format encoded in Base64 (with no headers/footers)
Android doc: https://developer.android.com/reference/java/security/spec/X509EncodedKeySpec