You can customize your Project’s Splash Screen. A splash
screen is an image and text that will be shown to the user before
opening the first Form of your Project.
Image to use as Splash Screen.
You can use BMP, GIF, JPG or PCX.
Transparency mode to apply to the selected image.
- <none> – No transparency will be applied. The color in the GIF, defined as transparent, will be shown as it is.
- First
Pixel – The color of the first pixel of the Image will be consider as
the transparent one, therefore will not be shown and the pixels with
this color will be transparent.
- Image Transparency – The GIF will be displayed with its transparency.
- Specify
Color – The color specified in “Transp. Color” property will be
consider as the transparent one, therefore will not be shown and the
pixels with this color will be transparent.
Transparency Color
Color of the selected image that you want to be transparent.
This parameter is only available if the "Transparency" is set to "Specify Color".
Text to be displayed over the selected image.
Notice that this Parameter is dynamic so, you can use Functions and Variables.
Font name to apply to the Text
Font size to apply to the Text
Font Properties to apply to the Text
Font Color
Font Color to apply to the Text
Background Color
Background Color to apply to the area occupied by the Text
Vertical Alignment
Vertical Alignment of the Text
Horizontal Alignment
Horizontal Alignment of the Text
Splash Duration
Time that the Image should be visible
This property is in millisecond (ms).
Updated: 6/28/2018 5:00 PM |