Calculates Checksum based on CR32, MD5, SHA256, HMAC_SHA256 and PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256.


Type <unquoted string>

The type of checksum that the user wants to perform. The possible values for this parameter are: MD5, CRC32 or dynamic.

Source Type <unquoted string>:

The type of source that the user wants to calculate the checksum. The possible values for this parameter are: File, Text or dynamic.

Unicode <unquoted string>

Indicates if the file is in Unicode format or not. Tippicaly, text files are ANSI encoded. In that case, user must set this parameter to NO, otherwise set to YES.

Source <string>

The source for the text or file to execute this action. If user chooses a file, he must indicate the full path to the file.

Key <string>
  This option is used when you use the type HMAC_SHA256 or PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256
Rounds <numeric>
  This option is used when you use the type PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256  
Target <unquoted string>

The control or variable to store the result of this action.
See also

Updated: 2/14/2018 12:22 PM