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    While...End While    
A while loop is a control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given condition.


Condition <unquoted string>

This parameter is the condition that is verified in iteration of while loop. This condition may be a complex expression with AND and OR operators like in the common programming languages.

Consider the following database table "Products":

Code Name Stock
001 Coca Cola 100
002 Pepsi Cola 200
003 Pork Chops 300

Example 1

Example 2
Set Value(VAR(0),Numeric,0)
Set Value(VAR(1),Numeric,001)

While(VAR(0) <= 1)

SQL Statement(Delete; Products; FIELD(Products, Code)=VAR(1))

Set Value(VAR(1), Numeric, VAR(1)+1)

Set Value(VAR(0), Numeric, VAR(0)+1)

End While


Code Name Stock
003 Pork Chops 300

Set Value(VAR(0),Numeric,0)
Set Value(VAR(1),Numeric,004)

While(VAR(0) < 3)

SQL Statement(Insert; Products; No; Yes; Code=VAR(1); Name="Product " + VAR(0); Stock=100)

Set Value(VAR(1), Numeric, VAR(1)+1)
Set Value(VAR(0), Numeric, VAR(0)+1)

End While


Code Name Stock
001 Coca Cola 100
002 Pepsi Cola 200
003 Pork Chops 300
004 Product 1 100
005 Product 2 100
006 Product 3 100


    See also

    Updated: 4/8/2016 9:38 AM