    Conversion Functions    

Function Description
ANSItoString Converts an ANSI string to Unicode.
BinToDecimal Converts a binary value to decimal.
BinToHex Converts a binary value to hexadecimal.
DecimalToBin Converts a decimal value to binary.
DecimalToHex Converts a decimal value to hexadecimal.
HexToBin Converts an hexadecimal value to binary.
HexToDecimal Converts an hexadecimal value to decimal.
HexToString Converts an hexadecimal value to string.
StringToANSI Converts an Unicode string to ANSI.
StringToHex Converts an Unicode string to hexadecimal.
StringToUTF7 Converts an Unicode string to UTF7.
StringToUTF8 Converts an Unicode string to UTF8.
UTF7ToString Converts an UTF7 value to an Unicode string.
UTF8ToString Converts an UTF8 value to an Unicode string.

See also
Updated: 11/5/2014 4:55 PM