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    Date Functions    

Function Description
Add Days Returns the date resultant of adding days to the specified date.
Date Difference Returns the corresponding Char of the specified ASCII code.
DateTime Add  To complete a string with the specified chars until it reaches the specified length.
DateTime Diff Converts a date to a string in the specified format.
DateTime Sub Converts all the occurrences of "<N>" in a string into the corresponding Char.
Day Returns the Day of the specified date.
Get System´s Date Returns the system date.
Julian Returns a Global Unique Identifier.
Local To UTC Time This Function returns a <string>, which is the specified Date Time converted to the Coordinated Universal Time, according to the Time Zone defined in the system.
Month Returns the Month of the specified date.
Subtract Days Returns the date resultant of subtracting days from the specified date.
UTC To Local Time This Function returns a <string>, which is the specified Date Time converted from the Coordinated Universal Time to the Time Zone defined in the system.
Week Day Returns the week day of the specified date.
 Week Number
This Function returns a <numeric>, which is the number of the week of the specified Source Date.
Year Returns the Year of the specified date.

See also
Updated: 4/11/2016 6:23 PM